Monday, May 5, 2008

Stopping to Smell the Roses

I can't believe we have hit another stretch of no blogging for almost 2 weeks. That is just crappy, but it unfortunately mirrors the pace of our life over the last month. Don't get me wrong, it has been a good month, but just a little more frazzled than the pace I normally prefer.

It has been a whirlwind for me and I know, a mix of relaxation and grueling stretches for Leah. It started with a fun trip for me and the girls to SC. The three of us drove 9 hours for a long weekend of hanging out, the Masters, spending time with family and friends and generally laying low. Leah stayed home and enjoyed a very rare 5 days to herself. Apparently, three years and two kids later is too long to go without one of those as a Mom. I think it may become somewhat of a tradition from now on!

About 10 days later, I went to Hilton Head for my annual college guys weekend and as of today, I am on a plane to Palm Springs for some business. And all of this with some pretty long work weeks in between.

Again, good stuff, but time just goes by so quick when you are living from thing to thing and only trying to catch your breath in between.

On that note, it really is amazing when you stop. I mean really just stop. It does not even have to be for a few days or some retreat of solitude. It can be the few hours I just spent on the plane staring out the window at Gods's creation from 35,000 feet and just thinking, really thinking.

To me, these brief windows are some of the sweetest times in life. Sure, I am just as prone to use such moments to worry, make mental checklists or "catch up", as the next guy, but if I really stop, I usually can't help but be overwhelmed by God's good favor towards me and the richness of His blessings in my life. I am indeed a wealthy man.

On the other hand, I hate that these instances, almost as though they are points of revelation, are so few and far between as opposed to being woven into a life that experiences true thanksgiving daily. I guess this is starting to sound like some utopian Hallmark sentiment, but I do think whoever said, "take time to smell the roses," was on to something. To suck the marrow out of life and be thankful for your blessings every day is indeed a worthwhile effort, but one that requires a lot of upstream swimming in relation to the culture. I only hope that at the end of my life, those around me will be able to say that I always swam hard.

So yes, this is slightly more sappy and introspective than some of our other posts, but it is where I am today and it is good.


RB said...

Isn't it a paradox... we never want to stop to smell the roses - there are too many things keeping us busy, some fun, some not. But when we do, we wonder why we never wanted to stop....

Unknown said...

Oh Captain, my Captain... Did you recently watch Dead Poets Society... sucking the marrow out of life?

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with this post, but your blog is HILARIOUS! I just came across it and have injured different body parts with laughter. Can you enter a blog contest or something? Keep it up.

Dr. K.Lo said...

way deep Tom, WAY deep.

Dr. K.Lo said...

deep Tom, WAY deep.

Dr. K.Lo said...

deep Tom, WAY deep.