Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Urban Farming, from garden to table...

After several long weeks of sun, water and love, some of our first fruits are making an appearance. This is when the hard work and patience becomes like Christmas morning each time you visit your garden. You wonder, "what is waiting for us today?" With this discovery you feel a bit empowered, and euphoric. I grew this, we will have food to eat. No thanks to you, Safeway! I mean it does not get more local and organic than this.

These are our first fruits! Still a bit too early for our tomatoes.

After rummaging through a few cookbooks, we came up with this corn/squash bake. We want to pace ourselves lest we get sick of our first crop that has come into season. These squash went from the garden to our table in just over an hour. You really can taste a difference when you eat like that! In other garden related developments, our compost bin put out its first batch of soil from recycled table scraps and yard clippings. We are pleased to see that growing next to our flowers are new tomato plants too! Hilarious or gross you decide.