I really think these pictures do not need explaining.
Growing up in Cincinnati they (the weather junkies) would often make threats that a "big one" was coming only to disappoint time and time again with slush covered streets. So when the weather alerts were being broadcast I found myself tempted to call their bluff and not "stock up." Friends, am I ever glad I braved the traffic and grocery madness! Police were at the store to make sure things did not get out of hand in the parking lot and once inside the store. "Words" were being exchanged as customers reached for the quickly disappearing items on the shelves. Managers being blessed out for lines up to thirty people deep. It was a site indeed and lucky for me I had three little shoppers too, but there was no mercy for our "starving" family. We waited and waited with the best of them. Thankfully, in preparation for our outing I strategically dehydrated our children so as not to spend our time in the facilities. Next stop was the public library to load up on books, shows and music. Now we were armed and ready!
So in one afternoon it started to snow... And a few days later it stopped, dumping a mere 40 + inches in DC. Friday February 5th the city came to a halt. Minutes turned into hours, hours turned to days and days to weeks. First impression: Man this is going to be great no school, no work, no commitments, and no place to go. Second impression: All of us cuddled together reading and getting a ton of things done around the house (ie. clean out that closet, sort and organize recipes). I had big plans... High hopes... First Reality/Question: What in the world are we going to do with all this time on our hands? Do we even like each other? Second Reality/Question: How in the world have we been trapped in the house and not really "accomplish" one thing? I mean we spent the greater part of our time in pj's and I somehow managed to compile six loads of laundry (none of which got done). At several points we really had no clue what day it was.
So what did we do?
We did take the kids out in the snow a few times. Based on our last experience with deep snow and three shorties our expectations and hopes were more measured. Getting around our neighborhood to the park or for a walk was Tom and I pulling the kids on sleds. Every afternoon at the bewitching hours we watched a family movie (the Bee Movie, Cars..you get the idea). Tom and I burned threw three seasons of Lost on dvd (we gave up years ago and recently re-upped our commitment) and are almost up to date (no spoilers please). Some very generous friends (thanks anne marie and sarah) babysat our kids so I could take out Tom for his birthday and a Valentines brunch. Cocktail "Friday" happened a few more times than there were Fridays. We thought about getting in shape and cresting the hump of being organized. So now we wait and watch as the snow turns from powder white to nasty black and slush. We have a bet going in our house as to when the last bit of snow will melt... Any guesses?
Been thinking about y'all. Can't imagine all that snow. We even got some down here, and it actually stuck for a day! That's huge in south georgia. And we've been out for fall break. So, kids have been home for 6 days. So, I can sort of relate. One truly lazy day is about all we can handle before your nerves are shot.
By the way, LOVE the fence in the back yard.
I miss you, friend. Would love to get up there soon.
Give me some dates that would work for y'all.
except..no marathon this time:)
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